"In all things of nature, there is something of the marvelous."
- Aristotle
When I took my Reiki I & II class about a year and a half ago, Lisa and I stepped outside to process what was taking place that day energetically. As we were discussing, two Dragonflies flew right in front of our path and hovered around us. We said at nearly the same time, “they must be our sign.” Since that class, I see Dragonflies so often, especially in times where I feel I need a “sign”. They have become my Spirit Animal and are a great reminder of my spiritual journey. I want to take the time to share some information I found on Dragonfly Spirit Animal Totems, as they may be a messenger for you, as well.
When I looked up what the common Dragonfly Spirit Animal meanings were, I was not surprised to see that they symbolize change and transformation, being open to experience new things and that something BIG is unfolding in your personal journey. They also carry with them a deep compassion, kind, gentle and full heart to all living things. The dragonfly glides with purpose and as the spiritual beacon it has been to me, when one calls on the dragonfly, one can inspire others to grow spiritually in their journey, as well.
Many times in my life I have been called a “deep thinker” that I never make a move unless I have gone inward for a long time and have weighed all pros, cons, and options. If Dragonflies are around you during a time of deep thinking, process, consideration, it should come as no surprise as they resonate with wisdom and deep thought. They are not the largest beings, every flight they take requires great effort, can be highly dangerous, so it is unforgettable and meaningful. Speaking to their size, they are light in weight and their wings are glasslike, so with this symbolism, they possess the power of the light.
As a continuation of thought from my previous article, I spent a lot of time thinking about this step into my Reiki Practice and whenever I was deep in thought and consideration, a Dragonfly would appear, again my “sign”. It warmed my heart in my research to find that they represent prosperity through determination, dedication and hard work. That by stepping out of our comfort zone and embracing our full potential, there is the ability to break through illusions so we may grow and change for the better. Within this quest of knowledge on my ever present Dragonfly, I have realized they truly are a symbol of magic and mystery and they carry with them very powerful and meaningful messages.
The wonderful thing I have learned about Spirit Animal Totems, is that they may come to us even when we don’t recognize their significance in our lives at first but, we can also call on these beautiful and helpful beings. The above sentiments I shared are likely to invoke the presence of a Dragonfly when in that state of deep thought, at a crossroads, or silently resonating with the grace of joy. If you ever are in need of seeing the big picture, practicing selflessness, compassion & understanding, or want to know the truth about something; call in the Dragonfly.
What Spirit Animal surrounds and protects you? What Spirit Animal have you called in recently?
XX Ashley
* I found my information on Dragonfly Spirit Animal Totems from trustedpsychicmediums.com. They have a breadth of explanations on many different Spirit Animal Totems on this site - very much worth digging into!